This post but documents the use of esp-thermal-camera-streamer from dev-lab. I have not created the project being described here; but I rather like it anyway!

A thermal image of someone's hand

This allows one to use the relatively inexpensive MLX90640 thermal camera module with an ESP8266, letting one view and record live views from the sensor over the air!

Unfortunately, the frame rates provided are very low (~1Hz), even though the sensor can do way better; and this also relies on the microcontroller on the GY-MCU90640 breakout boards. It would be ideal if one could simply hook up the bare MLX90640 to the ESP8266 and have them interoperate.

Perhaps that’s something to revisit later.


Just set it up, connect to the WebUI and go.

The UI is quite simple, letting one record and save sequences in a JSON format.

There is no other way of exporting images or videos it seems. Perhaps we could improve this later.

The wiring could hardly be any simpler


